Friday, July 26, 2013


Many visa renewal problems for the teachers working in the Ministry of Education but still the agencies recruiting many teachers by collecting a huge amount around IRS.1.5 lakh .

This is a big corruption deal going in the Ministry of Education. The newly recruited teachers through the agencies from India are asked to bring money in US dollar, they say , they have to give equal share(Bribe) to some officials in the Ministry or Agencies.

The Ministry It self will know these deals that given a famous Agency in Maldives to bring huge amount teacher's and so many visa unsolve and improper way last 4 years Ministry and Agency worked.

Why cant the ACC here Maldives take necessary action!!!! MOST Corrupt Commission that control by Politicians in Maldives.

Source Comment by a Reader


  1. ‘Stranded indefinitely in the Maldives’…..what a horrible thought!!
    This visa business has still not been resolved by your immigration authorities and expatriates continue to be harassed and put to great hardship. This has been going on for a few years now.
    Are you people that dumb and incompetent that you cannot process a simple visa system?
    I would advise all Indian expatriates, especially doctors and teachers, to get the hell out of the Maldives. Those that choose to stay…..poor suckers…..should ensure their passports are with them at all times and not with some Mafiosi employer.
    I suggest a training exercise for your useless visa officials…..take them to a foreign embassy…..not Pakistan or Saudi Arabia…..and show them the basics of administering a visa system. Is a modern computerised visa system beyond the comprehension of your feeble minds?

  2. Your USELESS AND INCOMPETENT immigration department should employ some Indians to run the visa system. Judging by the visa hassles of recent years, operating a modern computerised visa system appears to be beyond the limited mental capabilities of Maldivians.
    All expatriates reading this should note that reneging on a signed contract of employment and retaining passports are ILLEGAL ACTS and must not be tolerated. If your employer asks for your passport tell him to get lost and report the matter to your embassy.
    Indian doctors and teachers should not put up with any abuse by the Maldivian authorities…..they need you more than you need them…..without you dear countrymen Maldives will be another Somalia.

  3. Work Visa processing has become a herculian task due to inapproriate decicion from the policy makers of Immigration. They have adopted and incomplete software made by NCIT which has given hard time for the immigration officers as well as the employers. Expatriates has faced several problems due to the delay caused in visa process.

    expatriates are also facing the problem of being subjected to various indignities from the employers. These include withheld their salary and passports. The authorities has never done enough to ensure an end to these problems faced by expat community. The worst of all is that government agencies also hold passport of their foreign employees. This is unacceptable. Government should put extra effort to eradicate these malpractices.
