Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Flexible Job in Majlis

According to the Maldivian constitution chapter 03/73 states that the qualifications of people majlis are       

a-Is a citizen of the Maldives;

b-Is a citizen of the Maldives;

c-Is not a citizen of a foreign country;

Is a Muslim and a follower of a Sunni school of Islam;

d-Has attained the age of eighteen years; and Is of sound mind.  

The attendance of MPs is maintained throughout the sitting. However, MPs are free to leave and come in as they please, and the proceedings are not affected if the legal quorum of 25% of the total number of 77 MPs is present 26.

Also, it’s a flexible job and one doesn’t have to attend it regularly no does one have to really prepare for the sessions.

You could just go there and say a few things and vote. Many feel that it is an easy way to make a good living.

A Member of Parliament cannot be arrested even for murder while inside the Majlis Chambers, or on the way or returning back to/from the Majlis.

·         No Court Summon can be handed over to a MP while within the Parliament Compound.

·         If a Member of Parliament is to be searched, the person doing so should have proof beyond doubt (not reasonable doubt), of a crime. Even in a Court of Law the requirement is beyond reasonable doubt.

The President, Vice President, members of the Cabinet, members of the People’s Majlis, including the Speaker and Deputy Speaker, members of the Judiciary, and members of the Independent Commissions and Independent Offices shall be paid such salary and allowances as determined by the People’s Majlis.

Year 2010 members of the parliament increase their salaries to 65200 by themselves. 

In addition approximately more than MVR 80,000 can get every month. But still they are struggling to increase their salaries and benefits.

Maldivian MP was said to be equivalent to US$ 7,083

The benefits

1-Any Member of Parliament who has served for one term (5years) is entitles to : 30% of Salary (for 2 terms 45% and 3 terms 60%) of a Member of Parliament.

2-A Medical Insurance.

3-An Official Passport

4-A Title of State Honorary and to be addressed as MP for the Constituency served.

5-All Members are entitled to a duty free car every 5 years.

6-All Members are to be provided with a Diplomatic passport and VIP Lounge facilities at all airports in Maldives and abroad where available.

7-All Members, spouses and children under 18 years are to be provided Medical Insurance applicable in SAARC and ASEAN Countries.

8-Land Transportation for the Speaker

It's quite accepted that most of our People's Majlis are not capable of their work and salary

Look at how these debts had accumulated .

The country total debt in the beginning of 2009 was 350 millions and end of 2011 total debt had increased to USD 993 million and at the end of 2012 the debt was 984 million.

The basic rate of pay for MPs is Rf42,500 (US$2,759) per month whilst the highest ranking civil servant receives Rf20500, according to local media reports. This is around the same amount MPs involved in committee work can expect to receive each month on top of their basic salary.


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